Anytime any data is uploaded to a cloud hosting account or downloaded using it, some website traffic is produced and this is a feature that each hosting package comes with. It is furthermore one of the characteristics you should take a look at, because the amount of site traffic allowance you'll need depends upon what exactly you need the account for. The traffic is mainly produced by downloads including site visits. Basically, every time someone visits your web site, the pages are downloaded from the server on his or her computer and they're then shown by their internet browser. It's of course recommendable to know that uploads matter too, hence every time you copy large files from your computer system to the server, some website traffic is generated as well. Different companies can have different names for this specific feature, for instance traffic, bandwidth, data transfer, yet all of them refer to the exact same thing - the total amount of incoming and outgoing information created for a period of time.

Monthly Traffic in Cloud Hosting

We've selected all the attributes of our cloud hosting packagesin such a way, in order to facilitate the success of any site hosted on our advanced cloud platform. The website traffic that your account can generate is not an exception, that's why with a web hosting plan through our company, you will not need to worry about the amount of content being transferred to and from your account at any time. You will be able to host a number of small and medium-sized websites and be sure that the monthly traffic allowance will not be a setback for their progress. Furthermore, we provide you with elaborate monthly, daily and hourly stats which will give you more information for the website traffic that a given web site produces or which page/file is being downloaded the most and produces most of the traffic. This info can help you plan the management of your websites along with your marketing techniques more efficiently.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting

The monthly traffic quota that is featured with our dedicated server packages is sufficient for any type of site irrespective of its type. Your web apps can make terabytes of website traffic, which guarantees that all of your site visitors will never see any kind of error message on your site resulting from insufficient quota the way it can happen with many other types of website hosting. In addition, we leave the possibility to upgrade the website traffic amount open, but it is highly unlikely that you will ever need it even if you would like to manage a file sharing website or a video streaming portal. The server management Control Panel will provide you with correct live information how much data has been transferred for the month to date, and how much remains until you get to the restriction. We'll also notify you if you reach 90% of the quota just to be on the safe side and prevent any downtime of your web sites. The data in our panel contains the full traffic, including software downloads, therefore it is more accurate than the one in your hosting Control Panel where you will be able to see details only about the traffic developed by world wide web content.